For best treatment results, take care of your devices and wear them correctly!

Fixed Upper Expander
A fixed, soldered expansion device.

Removable Upper Expander
A removable, hard plastic device with an expansion screw.

Lower Expander
A fixed wire expansion device.

Splint Headgear
A removable, plastic, and wire device attached to cloth straps with elastic rubberbands for correction of overjet.

Active Removable Device
A removable, hard plastic, and wire device.

Bite Plane Retainer
A removable, hard plastic, and wire device.

Removable Hawley Retainers
A removable, hard plastic, and wire retention device.

Transparent Retainer
A removable, all-plastic, clear retention device.

Bonded (Fixed) Retainer
A wire cemented to the backside of the teeth for permanent retention.